Wednesday, September 28, 2011

MomFail 2 (ballet edition)

You may recall that a few weeks ago I sent Elizabeth to ballet in a pink leotard when at her new, hardcore ballet studio, the 6 year olds wear blue. Well, I'd just barely gotten over that humiliation when this happened earlier today:

You'll notice that Caroline is wearing a right-footed ballet shoe on her right foot (the one with the shamrock - they may be hardcore, but they're not afraid to use stickers). And if you'll look closely, you'll see that she is also wearing a right-footed ballet shoe on her left foot. The one on the right is a size smaller than the one on the left (she pretty much wears Elizabeth's hand-me-downs, and Elizabeth has ballet shoes in just about every size). Somehow in the frenzy of gathering supplies for class I grabbed two right shoes. We didn't have time to run back home after I realized my mistake, so I just sent her into class and prayed that the teacher would not notice. I figure that two right-footed pink ballet shoes are more subtle/less egregious than a pink leotard on a 6 year old, right? Right?

My kids are unlikely to have a future in ballet, but if they do, it will be in spite of me, not because of me.

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